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Our offices will be closed from December 24th to January 2nd 🎄 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Our offices will be closed from December 24th to January 2nd 🎄 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Fake Nitecore circulating the UK - We will trade.

Fake Nitecore circulating the UK

As many of you may aware, a retailer that will be left unnamed - has been suspected of selling fake Nitecore i4 chargers. These chargers may cause a serious risk to you or your property. The main risk (among many) , being an un-fused plug that does not meet EU regulations. 

To help eradicate these chargers that are surfacing around the community - we are offering a trade. We will swap your fake Nitecore charger with an Xtar equivalent (VC4) for the cost of postage. Terms and conditions will apply - to stop any potential abuse of this trade.

  1. UK Customer only.
  2. Charger must be less than 60 days old.
  3. A receipt from a UK vendor must be presented.
  4. You must have a reasonable amount of doubt that your charger is not genuine.

Please email to initiate this trade. Upon receipt of your charger - a personal code will be presented to you for the value of a VC4 from our website. 

I know many people may not be able to tell the fakes from the genuine articles and this is something I am currently working on - The easiest way to tell is to check your authenticity code found on your Nitecore packaging against the online authentication website found here 

For those without the original packaging, please refer to this article (for now) featured on an enthusiast forum of differences

I'd also like to thank everyone for the messages of support.

- Ben, MD.

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